Cambiar a la version Gratuita de Servicedesk Plus
You can simply apply the extended or renewal license for ServiceDesk Plus from the command prompt by following the instructions given at this
link. Also, to overcome this manual process and avoid any service interruption, we brought in a feature that will downgrade ServiceDesk Plus to free version when the acquired license expires. See below screenshot.
Please follow the below steps and check if you are able to get ServiceDesk Plus up and running.
Stop ServiceDesk Plus services and open a Command prompt in elevated mode, go to the directory ../ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/bin and invoke the file run.bat
This should start the application from the command prompt, if it throws an error message, please send us the screenshot of the same along with the serverout0.txt file that can be found in the location ../ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/logs.
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Repositorio de Versiones Anteriores Servicedesk